Saturday, October 10, 2009

New Due Date

Well we went to the Doc again this week and it turns out we are due May 21st now, instead of April... Shucks! I was hoping I was further along than that... I was hoping I was almost done with the first trimester...
Anyone got any good ways to deal with big time all day morning sickness that makes you throw up constantly? I'll try just about anything right now!!!


Heidi Crosby said...

Good luck with the morning sickness stuff. Not fun. My mom always said that fast protein was supposed to help morning sickness. She would say to grab a handful of peanuts or a spoonful of peanut butter when you start to feel nauseous. I'm not sure if it made a huge difference for me, but it seemed to for her. My only secret is that my morning sickness happened whenever my stomach was empty. (Hence the name morning sickness because your tummy is really empty in the morning just after sleeping all night.) So if I ate something small every hour and a half, I could usually stay ahead of it. This usually means that I was eating before I was hungry again. But if I waited until I my stomach was hungry, by then I was nauseous because my stomach was empty. Don't know if that's how it is for you. When I was expecting Kase, we just ate at Panda Express at least weekly, sometimes more. But good luck with that!

Harward Family said...

I am sad that you are due the end of May that means I will only be able to see the new little one for a few weeks before we have to move:( I am so sorry that your morning or should I say all day sickness has been so bad... the only thing that kind of helped for me was eating or sucking on something sour. I hope that you start feeling better soon so we can see you guys:) If you need anything please let me know even if it's running to the store for you or playing with Rocco.

Ryan and Brittany said...

I feel your pain! Hopefully your sickness will be over soon. Mine lasted 41 weeks and I was throwing up through my whole labor. Miss you guys!

Juli said...

Aww thanks guys! You're all so sweet!
Really the only time I'm not incredibly sick is first thing in the morning, but that never lasts long. I had this sour splurge like two weeks ago where the only thing I was keeping down was sour stuff, I made Seth go to the store and get sour skittles, sour patch kids, lemonade, ect... my tongue started hurting after a little while though, lol... now i'm back to keeping nothing down again. With Rocco it lasted the entire pregnancy and even after I had him it took awhile before I was able to eat without puking (I think my body was in Bulemia mode or something...). I'm hoping and praying that's not the case this time, because it's alot harder to deal with all-day-morning-sickness when you're trying to be Mommy to a two year old.