Monday, March 26, 2012

Match Day Y'all!

Well Match Day finally came! And after what felt like years, but was in fact only months, of waiting; we found out where we are headed for the next 5 years!!!
It was an exciting day. Originally we thought only the medical student was allowed to be there and I was a little ticked about it because I felt like we had been supporting Seth through the past 4 years and we had the right to find out at the same time as he did. I decided I was going anyway. Then I decided the kids were going anyway too. Then we found out (a little last minute albeit) that all the family was invited if they want to come. Seth's mom ran over between surgery cases and got there just in time to see Seth open his envelope. Seth's Dad, Sisters and Grandparents were able to come too. It was great having family surrounding Seth as he opened such an important letter...

So they started the ceremony off with a breakfast, but I was WAY to nervous to eat anything (now that's a first!). And then some peoples gave speeches, but I don't remember a word that was said. And finally they started calling out names, and people started going to the front of the room and getting their envelopes and finding out where they were going. And it seriously felt like an eternity before Seth's name was finally called. Then He and ZZ went and got his envelope, and he came back and he opened it, and (drumroll please!)...

We're headed to TEXAS A&M!!!

We are SOOOOOOO happy! You may or may not recall, but that is where we did our away rotation last september, and we LOVED it! It will be wonderful place to live for the next 5 years! and Seth LOVED that hospital!!!

There was hugging and crying and laughing and a lot of other emotions being expressed that morning. But mostly I just remember feeling happy and relieved...

THanks to everyone who has been part of our support system for the past 4 years! We only have 7 more to go!!! Yipee-kay-a and Yeehaw!!!!

Between the match ceremony and the other events taking place that day; We took the kids to Chuck-E-Cheese to celebrate! The Chamberlin's, who also recently matched, joined us and we were able to celebrate our excitements together! Then we played games and had fun and made it a day we will (hopefully) remember.

Late that night after everyone finished work and their other responsibilities for the day. We went out for a late dinner with most of Seth's immediate family (Jade's family wasn't able to be there). We all went and had some southern style BBQ. It as fantastic! I will probably get fat in the next 5 years because the food is soooo good that I can't seem to stop eating even when I know I am full to the bursting point! LOL. And to be honest it is SOOOO worth every calorie!

Yay! Texas look out; here we come!!!

(PS- you may remember from my previous post about Seth's bday that I said we got him two hats but only one came before his birthday. They both should have come before his Bday because I ordered them in advance and got Amazon's free two day shipping on them. But for some reason the USC hat showed up the day before his birthday, and the Texas A&M hat showed up 3 days after his birthday, and was waiting in a box on our front door step when we got home from the match ceremony. LOL. How's that for timing?!)

1 comment:

Letti said...

I would love to move to Texas with you! You are going to have so much fun there. I know you were there last summer too but I can't help but be a little jealous. I miss my family :) You will have to meet up with them.